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- Date: Tue, 31 May 94 09:59 BST-1
- From: Andre Willey <andre@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: MAUS
- To: gem-list@world.std.com
- Message-Id: <memo.248344@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Precedence: bulk
- In-Reply-To: <9405310042.AA12577@uqcspe.cs.uq.oz.au>
- In <9405310042.AA12577@uqcspe.cs.uq.oz.au>, warwick@cs.uq.oz.au wrote:
- > In message <memo.245801@cix.compulink.co.uk>, you wrote:
- >
- > > I don't knopw what this obsession with CTRL+A is. I have NEVER lost
- > > a document like this, I never pressed CTRL+A by mistake.
- >
- > You either have a high dexterity, or sufficiently small fingers.
- >
- > > vote I'll keep it the way it is. It is one of the few key combos
- > > that are already standard on the ST and across platform.
- >
- > By all means yes, ^A should select all. It's what happens next that
- > worries people. Provided it is validated
- Yes, I agree. The action of selecting 'All' is not itself a problem - it's
- what could happen afterwards (e.g. a delete command deleting everything
- instead of the character that the user was expecting to delete). The simple
- solution to this is to put a warning message on the *delete* command (and
- any other dangerous ones) when everything is selected.
- Andre
- +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
- | Andre Willey | Cygnus Software Development |
- | Email: andre@cix.compulink.co.uk | Sutton Coldfield -- England |
- | or: ...{mcsun}!uknet!cix!andre | Tel: (UK/+44) 021 308 5251 |
- +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+